I am passionate about complimentary and innovative therapies for the metastatic breast cancer (MBC) community also known as advanced breast cancer (ABC). Most fundings and initiatives go to early stage breast cancer. However, almost everyone that dies of breast cancer dies from metastatic breast cancer which is considered stage IV. With that, I am excited to announce that I will be starting an advocacy adventure called MBCmoves! This project is dedicated to those who are living with metastatic breast cancer. MBCmoves! will deliver healing sessions, workshops and retreats focusing on providing this healing complimentary therapy through movement, dance and other expressive arts. In addition to all inclusive projects within MBCmoves, there will also be projects dedicated to those of African descent that in addition to dealing with this devastating diagnosis are also managing racial disparities in treatment as well as continued racial tensions within their global environment.
I look forward to sharing more as we go further into development. Ase!